Thursday, January 28, 2010

Denial or Delusional?

Denial: refusal to recognize or acknowledge.

Last night in class, my professor mentioned something about the "denial that everyone carries around throughout life". It was not a basis of our classroom discussion, but that thought really stuck with me. Not necessarily about a denial I have had or am having, but the thought of the weight that denial carries in everyone's life and what exactly denial is.

Is Denial an avoidance of truth? Or are we all Delusional?

It made me think about all the denial that I have had throughout my life. Truthfully, denial is such a strong force that I can't even fathom the thought of writing on my blog the many denials I have had. It's as if I were to write them for the public to see that I would have to accept the truth. This realization scares me because of how abstract the truth really is. Regardless, if my denials were when I was young or now, I still am wary of admitting them.

Or are we all delusional? And have we yet to gather all the facts so we can't formulate a truth?

I think denial is a natural coping mechanism that every human being uses to avoid dealing with the truth. Am I defending the use of denial by defining it with such raw form? Or am I in denial about what it really is and how I have used it in my life?

Is denial ok? Is it right to avoid truth through denial? Is it lying to yourself? Or are we delusional? These many questions keep me wondering about the truth behind denial and if there is a truth behind it.

Is the truth that burdensome that we must deny it? Or is it so difficult to define that we define it the way we want to?

By choosing to deny what is really placed in front of us, does it make us weak people that can not cope with what we don't want to accept? Does searching for truth make us vulnerable to situations, thoughts and experiences we would rather not have? Denial is the only way to not make us vulnerable, or is it?

Maybe I should acknowledge the denial I have carried around throughout my life and accept the truth. Or maybe I should just let it be and accept it as my defense mechanism that just might hinder my experiences.

I just don't know how I feel about the denial, but I know that it sounds like a hefty weight to be carrying around my entire life.

And for delusional...I think that's one I would rather not be called.

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